2016 WSOP Week 6 Update

This article was written by Ryan Page…

Phil #DreamCrusher Says, “NO SOUP FOR YOU!”

20160425 Winner - Phil Bayless

Phil Bayless – Winner, Week 6

Phil was out to crush some dreams tonight as he finally realized Deadwood’s (Page) math was correct and he was just barely mathematically eliminated from a shot at the regular season title prior to Week 6 play. Phil ran over the competition tonight and was really gunning for that extra $10 he accomplished both goals as he eliminated The Professor (Russ Kincaid) after a long heads up battle and with the elimination crushed The Professor’s regular season title hopes.  After grinding Russ down very slowly, Russ finally was forced to make a stand with K10 pre-flop vs The Dream Crushers AQ, the flop brought more drama as the night was full of it with an all spade flop of A56 giving Phil top pair but Russ had the only spade with his 10.  The turn added straight outs for The Professor as the J of clubs pealed off.  The red King on the river just wasn’t enough for Russ and Phil claims a victory in the final tournament of the regular season.  After the nights results were official Mr. Deadwood calculated the final overall standings…Who would be heading to Vegas as the 2016 Wilmington WSOP Regular Season Champ?

Shuffle Up and Deal – Thoughts on this years league and how we can improve

Tonight’s action started with a debate on table draw since Table 1 consisted of only one contender, a long shot, Clint Goodman and Table 2 had the other 4 in the running including the long shot Russ and the three biggest favorites to win Brad, Trey and Tim.  The seating assignments are purely randomized by the computer every week of the regular season and in the championship tournament and although someone may get a bad draw it’s just as if we drew cards, I don’t feel we can “set up” a contenders and pretenders table as that would truly be unfair for Week 6 or the final week of a regular season as it is the only week that the scenarios really present themselves.  I know we have had debate about seat assignments in the past and that is why we went to the computer generated plan to eliminate any collusion, collaboration or players trying to sit with or away from a particular player.

We discussed some things we plan on looking at before setting up next years league that we may be able to improve upon including the points system, re-buy rules, final tournament starting stacks, etc.  I will be looking into alternative point systems, however I do like that this system points an emphasis on winning!?  We discussed selling re-buys, letting re-buys be available up until the 1st break and the number of re-buys available to players.  This years championship tournament big stack will have 2300 more then the small stack at the beginning of play, is that a big enough advantage?  We will look into staggering stacks again next year so that the small stack starts with the normal stack and depending on the number of players each place above that will receive some set number of chips above that i.e. 10th – 5k, 9th – 5.5k, 8th – 6k and so on.  If you have any feedback you’d like to share please feel free to email me at kmonkiez79@yahoo.com.

WEEK 6 Recapping the drama, big hands & eliminations

WTF are you guys doing, playing for?  That’s what The Dream Crusher, Phil Bayless, said that people would most likely be asking him all night, but just in case the scenarios weren’t 100% he wanted to win and let the chips fall where they may.  The Brick Schmidt House, Pat Brown, had people wondering WTF early on as he tried to get The Load Deliver, Tim Williams off a hand early in the evening.  I was not at this table but I understand that the flop came 8910 and the turn a J river paired 8’s and Pat bet every street with 79 for a flopped pair and turned straight but when the dust settled and he shoved all in on the river Tim showed down a full house and eliminated Pat in the first blind level.  Pat with nuttin’ but chips to play for hit the house for a 2nd bullet and sweetened the Pot dropping a third of a Dom in with the re-buy.  That had several players saying WTF, but Pat would get to play for a long time and would put pressure to Russ and Tim as they attempted to jump over Brad and take down the regular season title.

BLUE you’re my boy!?  Big Blue (Clint) was the only contender coming into the night with a re-buy but was not able to capitalize on this to help his long odds of a regular season championship in the 1st blind level.  Clint didn’t have too many opportunities and wisely kept his $35 re-buy money in his wallet, but was unable to get any traction after the re-buy level and was the first casualty of the evening out in 13th place after the following elimination hand with The Dream Crusher (Phil).  Clint and Phil get all of Clint’s shorter stack in after a 6 on the turn which have Phil Aces and 6s vs Clints Aces with a 5 kicker.  Clint was eliminated by his hand and the Dream Crusher Phil did what he came to do, crushing dreams on the 1st and last eliminations of Week 6.

Welcome to Table 1 Coop!  The Buzzsaw joined our table as Clint was eliminated to even the tables out at 6 each and upon arriving was put to the test after a flop of 245 with the 45 of hearts he raised Deadwoods flop bet from 400 to 1500, Page immediately shoved in for a little over 4000 and the buzzsaw missed an opportunity to snap one off when he folded Jacks face up.  Page showed 23 of hearts for a flopped open-ended straight flush draw and pair of deuces…the rabbit showed no improvement and Page was indeed glad Cooper laid it down.  The buzzsaw had another run at a big pot with JJ again as he raised pre flop and then get all in after a flop of 873 with Sweet Thang (Rhonda) aka Mary Ann who had flopped a set of 7s and doubled up leaving Coop with just a few hours of antes left.

The River Assassin (Trey) was drawing dead before the river leaving him with no hope for a river miracle and eliminating one of the regular season leaders early and knocking him out of the running for the 1st Vegas package.  After making a big all-in call early with 10 10 vs The Quiet Storms K5 of diamonds and flopped flush draw on a Q high board, Trey had The Quiet Storm on the ropes and at risk, however a diamond on the turn gave Brad the flush and left Trey with just 1500 in chips.  Trey then was eliminated after getting his AK all-in preflop vs JJ and the J high flop all but ended it, the blank on the turn confirm Trey’s 12th place finish in week 6.

The Quiet Storm plays to win the game, unfortunately he sputtered out early for the second week in a row putting his destiny in the hands of Russ and Tim as his other competitors for the title had already been eliminated.  After picking up some chips from Trey in the hand above, Brad soon found himself short and was all in with QJ vs The Professors A5 the board bricked out until a 5 hit the river, but this was just salt in the wound as Brad now would have to wait hours to find out if he had backed into the regular season title or would have to prepare to bring the rain to the championship tournament next week.  Brad was eliminated in 11th opening up the door for Russ as now a win and Tim finishing anywhere beyond 3rd would lock up a trip to Vegas.  The Load Deliverer was delighted as now a 2nd place finish guarantees him the regular season title or a 3rd and Russ failing to win also accomplished a regular season win.


Move Over Pork Chop

After Brad’s elimination we combined into a final table of 10 players. When Deadwood (Page) was trying to see the other end of the table and the chips placed in the pot by The Steam Roller he leaned over Bayless and got reprimanded by The Dream Crusher, MOVE OVER PORK CHOP!  The crowd went wild with laughter as Page explained he couldn’t see if the chips were 100s for a call or 500s for a raise as the light shined on the chips awkwardly.  Page and Bayless then came to an understanding that Page could get up on him as long as he didn’t look down his card chute.

After 3 of the 5 contenders for the regular season title went out 13, 12, and 11 the tables combined and 3 players still had title hopes Brad (11th Place), Tim and Russ.  TBag$ (Tony) was just in the garage to pick up a few more chips for the final.  After a flop of 10 10 3 with 2 spades and a bet from The Steam Roller (Jeff) Tony got it all in with A5 of spades for the nut flush draw versus Jeff’s Q3 for a flopped 2 pair and failed to improve as a non-spade 9 and 7 fell on the following streets eliminating TBag$ in 10th place.  The hand before the hand is often the one that breaks a player and this was the case for TBag$ as the monster hand prior breathed life into the Professors ran at the regular season title and smashed TBag$ stack.   Blinds at 100/200 with a 25 ante – The hand before the hand started with a raise to 700 by Tim Williams from early position and called by Page in late position and the blinds both called and a pot was born.  The flop came 325 with a couple of hearts and the blinds checked to Tim who lead out 700 at the pot which was quickly called by the other 3 players in the hand.  The turn came a K and TBag$ lead out at the pot with a half-pot sized bet which was followed quickly be an ALL IN from The Professor. Deadwood and the Load Deliverer ducked out and Tony called with the K6 of hears for top pair and a flush draw, Russ showed K3 for two pair with 1 card to come Tony needed the board to pair 5’s hit his 6 or any heart but the river was a blank 9 of clubs and Tony was put on the short stack.

The chip juggling Russ attempts to call pre flop? During the previous hand when Russ crippled Tony we had one of the most entertaining moments of the year as Russ juggled chips back and forth trying to figure out how to make the call from the big blind.  It was like who’s on 1st?  half the call then pulling back all of his blind then putting in a full call on top of the half of call while juggling chips and his little neat stacks crumbling to the felt.  Sweet Thang got a great giggle out of this as most of the table looked on in disbelief of the time Russ was having handling his stack, it was similar looking to a deer in headlights or watching The Other Woman (Caroline) play in the league last week as she constantly looked like a first timer with her slow rolls and trying to figure out how to play live again after months of online play where, “The computer takes care of it all.”

Slow playing a hand into a loser

Pat Brown flopped a set of 7’s on a A87 flop, the pre flop action had a raise and 2 calls.  The flop went check check check and as did the turn after a 2 of hears fell putting 2 hearts on board, the river was the 3 of hearts and Tim lead out a decent sized bet at the pot which was called by Pat and his set, Tim turned over J10 of hears delivering the bad news that he had let Tim get there with runner runner flush.  Pat did lose the minimum and Jeff folded KK as the ace magnets ended up in 3rd place.


After limping from early position and seeing a flop of Q92 The Buzzsaw (Cooper) ships it all in with several tall stacks of green 25 ante chips and says, “If you win you’ll have two hours’ worth of antes,”  I believe he was trying to induce some calls but he got one from The Dream Crusher that wasn’t good for his limped pocket rockets as Phil turns over Q9 for top two pair.  The board runs out K and a 3 not pairing or hitting Coops ACE IN THE FACE and The Buzzsaw gets a little taste of his own medicine having his Aces sawed off in 9th place.

The Button mucks all over itself

The Dream Crusher (Bayless) limps from early position and then Scott Moss, The Button on The Button uses his position and raises getting folds from the blinds.  Phil thinks for a moment and finally makes the call as this is happening Scott nearly mucked because he didn’t see Phil was in.  The flop comes AKx and Phil checks, The Button looks to make a bet and finds that his cards have disappeared into the muck and he has no hand.  The Button has undone himself and the hand ends as Phil is the only one left with a hand.

Deadwood (Page) played the short stack most of the regular season and tonight wasn’t any different as with the blinds just changing to 300/600 with a 75 ante his ships his 3525 all in UTG with A10 and The Professor goes all in behind and shows him the bad news with KK.  The flop adds a King and Page wouldn’t be drawing live until after a river Jack gave him a straight draw…Jeff dealing ran about 10 cards off before finding the Q giving Page the straight, however this was not enough as I’m sure Russ had a boat several cards earlierL.  Page will start the championship tournament with more chips then he’s had in any one regular season tournament at any point and should be considered a contender…to be dealing by the 3rd blind level of the championship.  Page (Pork Chop) goes down in 8th place.

The Button (Scott) is not far behind Page as he gets his stack in after a 7 high flop with A7 vs The Load Deliverer’s pocket 8s and failed to improve on the turn or the river.  Scott was last year’s Page, coming into the championship with no results but pulling off the “upset” by winning the package to Vegas.  The Button shows there is a little hope for all of us however he falls in 7th place with a pair of 7s tonight!?  Whats the difference between a Hooker and a Drug Dealer, Moss loves these dumb jokes!  A Pirate walks into the bar with a steering wheel hanging out his zipper…

ACTION HAND ELIMINATES The Brick Schmidt House (Pat Brown) in 6th place.  The Dream Crusher raises from UTG to 1600 with blinds still at 300/600 with a  75 ante and Russ with a fairly large stack comes over the top ALL IN, Pat makes calls off his medium sized stack from the BB and after some consideration the Dream Crusher lets it go and holds off the crushing Russ’s dream until the final hand of the night.  Cards on their back and The Professor (Russ) shows QQ and Pat yells SCHMIDT and shows JJ for a cooler.  The board comes KK539 and Pat is eliminated, although this eliminated pat for the evening The Schmidt had already hitith the fan for his regular season and he just picked up a few extra chips to battle with next week.

Tim doubles through Russ keeping his hopes alive, we join this hand after a flop of 652 all spades and a turn pairing the board with a 6 Tim and Russ get it all in and Russ shows QQ for two pair, Tim A8 of spades for a flopped nut flush the river is a 4 of spades and The Chip Juggler AKA The Professor sends an additional 7900 in chips over to Tim.  This was a big hand in the evening as an elimination of Tim would have made it between The Quiet Storm and The Professor for the title, but Tim’s double up inched him a little closer to the title keeping his hopes alive.

The Steam Roller (Jeff) arrives late and then hangs around for a 5th place finish.  Jeff had a showing and was fashionably late and then with 10 players left was trying to decide if the extra chips were with his time to hang around for…he picked up a few more chips for next week but was eliminated in 5th when his short stack got it all in with K3 vs The Dream Crushers Q9 and for the 2nd time tonight Phil eliminated someone with Q9 after a Queen arrived on the flop and Jeff could not hit his King.  Once again this was a case of the hand before the hand being the key hand of the evening for Jeff, he and Phil got it all in and he had Phil covered with AQ of spades vs Phil’s 66, the flop, turn and river of 77346 failed to improve Jeff and he was left short stacked.

Sweet Thang (Rhonda) AKA Mary Ann’s hopes of a weekly win where dashed when she got her short stack all in with Q10 vs The Dream Crusher’s J9 and Phil beat Rhonda when he nailed his 9.  Sweet Thang’s elimination in 4th place was truly Sweet for The Load Deliverer as this eliminated The Quiet Storm and put Tim one spot away from a season title.  The elimination was bitter-sweet for Russ as he not only needed to win to take down the regular season title he needs Tim to go out in no better position than 3rd place so now he had to make sure Tim went out next or an elimination of Phil or Russ was an end to his quest which seemed unlikely at the beginning of the evening but now was within sight.


With just three players left Tim made mention of a chop of the nightly money and Phil calmly says NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!! Remember week 1 when you refused to chop Tim?  Payback’s a beotch!  I let them know that the nightly pay-out is $90/$40 as there is $130 in the pot, what happens next is that Phil says well since I can’t win it all we can split it and each player takes $40 leaving $10 as a carrot dangling in the middle for the nightly champion.

The Drama Continues as Russ gets in a monster hand with The Dream Crusher and then after putting in over half his stack comes to the realization that this heads up hand with Tim folding pre-flop is a lose/lose for him.  If he eliminates Phil, Tim wins…after Phil rivers a flush Russ is force to fold but would have had to with any bet by Phil due to the situation.  This hand leaves Russ weak and gives Phil the chip lead and empowers him to be able to CRUSH either Tim’s or Russ’s dream of a regular season title and Vegas trip.

The Professor picks up a few pots after disposing a big portion of his chips to Phil and then this monster hand goes down.  600/1200 blinds Russ raises from the small blind, Tim goes all-in from the big blind and is snapped off by Russ with AK, Tim exposes AQ and the A7526 board helps The Professor double through The Load Deliverer as he delivers 16,400 additional chips to Russ and Tim is left with just 2000 to battle needing a 2nd place to guarantee a Vegas trip.  The next hand on the small blind Tim is forced to ship blind and The Dream Crusher is forced to call a half a bet blind.  Tim shows down 75 and Phil is ahead when he shows down 92 some monster hands!  The board fills in 10 8 3 A Q and Phil’s 9 high has possibly crushed Tim’s dreams as he is eliminated in 3rd place.  Russ and Phil start heads up play nearly even in chips and the season has come down to this, if Russ wins he’s the Regular Season Champ if Phil wins he is the Week 6 tournament winner and picks up $10 more bucks and has crushed countless dreams but would make Tim’s dreams come true.


What’s at stake?  Well once again Phil had bragging rights and $10 to win while a win for Russ was worth a $1500+ Vegas Package, if Phil won Tim had done just enough to sneak in front of Brad and needed a victory from Phil to hold that lead or the difference between 2nd and 1st would catapult Russ to the win.  Russ came into week 6 as the longest shot in contention and is in a spot where he controls his own destiny, he says, “I couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity then this.”


The Dream Crusher continues to bust Tim’s marbles about the week on chop refusal by Tim and Coop and saying NO SOUP FOR YOU although he had finally agreed to chop the majority of the nightly pot. Tim says, “Where do you like to eat in Vegas?”  Implying that if he can win Tim will buy him a meal at a restaurant of his choosing finally Tim says if you win I will give you a kiss!

As the final cards are dealt and Phil claims the weekly victory (See the final hand recap at the beginning of the article), Tim Shouts “I DON’T WANT NO STINKIN’ SOUP, GIMME SOME SUGAR BABY!”  And Tim runs over and gives The Dream Crusher a smooch on the cheek as in Crushing the Souls of several players most notably Russ he has made Tim’s dream come true.

Congratulations to the 2016 Regular Season Champ Tim Williams!  Tim delivered his load all over the WSOP League this season to cash in on a regular season shot at money in Vegas!!!


What a tight regular season!  How close was it between 1st and 2nd place there was 0.50 points difference meaning that if Brad would have just picked up 10th place instead of 11th which was an extra 0.55 he would have been the regular season champ by 0.05 points!  Wow thats very competitive and crazy how one place almost any week by either Tim or Brad would have resulted in a flip flop of fortunes.

There was a total of 10.14 points between 1st and 5th place and Russ ended up in 5th, had he won tonight he would have received an additional 10.96 points and would have been the champion by 0.82 points over Tim.

FINAL STANDINGS – Horse Race Stats (regular season points) – Starting Stack {weekly finishes} average place out

  1. Tim Williams (111.85) – N/A Dealer {1, 7, 9, 3, 6, 3) 4.83 average
  2. Brad West (111.35) – 10,550 {11, 10, 1, 1, 12, 11} 7.67 average
  3. Phil Bayless (108.19) – 10,400 {3, 4, 6, *6, 8, 1} 4.83 average
  4. Trey Chase (106.06) – 10,300 {4, 14, 3, 5, 1, 12} 6.50 average
  5. Russ Kincaid (102.71) – 10,100 {6, 3, 4, 4, 11, 2} 5.00 average
  6. Clint Goodman (89.38) – 9,450 {14, 1, 12, 13, *4, 13} 9.50 average
  7. Jeff Honnerlaw (84.45) – 9,200 {12, 2, 5, 12, 10, 5} 7.67 average
  8. Pat Brown (81.47) – 9,050 {5, 13, 11, 2, 13, 6} 8.33 average
  9. Rhonda Rutherford (80.61) – 9,000 {8, 9, 8, 11, 3, 4} 7.17 average
  10. Doug Cooper (80.47) – 9,000 {2, 12, 7, 10, 7, 9} 7.83 average
  11. Tony Baker (79.03) – 8,950 {9, 8, 14, 7, 2, 10} 8.33 average
  12. Scott Moss (74.96) – 8,700 {13, 4, 10, 9, *5, 7) 8.00 average
  13. Ryan Page (65.25) – 8,250 {7, 11, 13, 8, 9 , 8} 9.33 average
  14. Dom Brown (55.44) – DNQ {10, *6, *2, n/a, n/a, n/a} 6.00 average

*sub result


Just a reminder that next week is the championship tournament and may run a little longer due to increased chips in play so plan accordingly.  Please try to arrive a little early if possible to help us get cards in the air ASAP!  6:45 is when we will attempt to have the food ready or close to it…BYOK, if you think about it please bring your own knife as we had all sorts of issues with shortage of knives and those of us that brought sets mixing them up…if Pat buys some knives I will let you know that this is no longer necessary.  We will provide steak or chicken as your selections were made Week 6 as well as my potatoes and pop/water if you want to bring a dessert or side please feel free to do so.


The championship will begin with a 3 man dealer rotation of your league champion Tim Williams along with Robert and Zach.  The dealers will be taken care of with the money we collected for food, this will cover their meal and a small dealer toke.  As players are eliminated they are welcome to stick around and join the dealer rotation.  We may also have a cash game on the side if anyone is interested once the tournament gets to a final table?  Although this is unlikely to happen as people are eliminated slowly if there is interest this may keep some people around as they watch the championship unfold.


I just want to take a moment to say thanks to everyone in the WSOP League this year, it has been a rough year for me from a results standpoint but I have enjoyed the league immensely and look forward to a better result in Week 7 (The Championship)! There is hope for us all, best of luck to everyone next Monday.  Remember even if you don’t win a package if you want to tag along in Vegas with the players representing the group it has always been welcomed and a great time for all.  Just ask Phil about chasing hot air balloons; Pat about bananas in the streets; Jeff about some crazy bad beats; Tony about the DIP and missing flights; and many many other crazy times.  We have had several players min cash from our leagues but this year I hope Tim and our other league rep make a deep run and bring home a big score.

Ryan Page signing out for The Wilmington WSOP 2016 Regular Season


Week 6 Point Standings:



About brownpm86

Hello, my name is Pat. I'm an IT Professional with an entrepreneurial spirit. I grew up in a rural setting, but love the big city too. I have several hobbies including: playing poker, traveling, eating, blogging, telling a good joke, and having fun with other human beings!
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2 Responses to 2016 WSOP Week 6 Update

  1. Anonymous says:

    Ditto ditto on the belly laughing while reading Ryan articles. We have enjoyed them immensely. I look forward to them more than weekly “Survivor” episodes. I hope everyone understands all the behind the scenes work you put into this league to make it run as smoothly and seamlessly as it does. While our night starts at 7 and ends as soon as we are put out, your night starts at 5:30 and sometimes doesn’t end until 1:30 am. The pizza, the scheduling, the texts, the standings, the money collection that always comes out to the penny ……all that doesn’t happen by accident. All that and a running commentary and written prose just adds to the whole league experience. Thank you thank you for all you do.

    “The Load Deliverer” and “The Other Woman”

  2. brownpm86 says:

    This article made me laugh out loud several times. Now Rhonda has two nicknames “Sweet Thang” and “Mary-Ann”… While Russell “The Professor” story about trying to count out his chips for the call had me belly laughing so hard that people in the cafeteria was wondering if I needed the Heimlich maneuver performed on me. Ryan Page you have outdone yourself by being my favorite reporter of all time! Thank you for everything you did to make this season as fun and great as it was!

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