2019 WSOP Week 1 Recap

Today is the day, WSOP League is back!!! I was so stoked that so many people were interested in getting the league back on the ground after only playing a large buy-in satellite tournament for WSOP 2018.  I arrived at the Shangri-La, the new home of Pat Brown to find that I was the first to arrive and Pat’s home was a disaster.  I called Pat to see why he wasn’t there yet, however he said he was leisurely riding around with the top down on his convertible and I should make calm down, make myself at home and he would be there shortly before the start time to help me kick off this years league.  I was slightly upset and didn’t want players to arrive to this tornado of a house so I began picking up all the toys in the hallway which were the property of Pat’s many grandchildren as well as piles of Hawaiian shirts and other tropical themed clothing.  Once I had the hallway straightened enough for our guests to walk down I walked into the sole bathroom of the home to find a rather large gathering of “Joe” Boxers of Zach’s when I picked those up many condoms where hidden underneath.  I cleaned up the bathroom and covered the floor with some type of Batman cape and then the whole place looked pretty freaking amazing, it was almost a different house then I had originally walked into.  Pat then showed up as I had just finished cleaning and commented about the job I had done and said he may invite me to come early on other occasions when the place needed a little tidying up.  Pat then said, “Get your panties out of a bunch Page, I’ll give you a stiff one!” Then he poured me one of his famous old fashioneds.  Laura then walked in and started yelling at me that she couldn’t find anything now that I had “cleaned” up the place.   Pat nodded in agreement and told me I should have taken inventory of the toys and let them know where I had place all the goods as he chuckled.  Pat was turned on by Laura’s little dimples which were sparkling from her being a little steamed at the Page-meister.
Next Larvin Mewis, the new Bengals coach appeared at the bar window in Pat’s house, do not mistake this guy for Marvin Lewis, he looked nearly identical but had a mean moustache and some crazy dreadlocks.  I went up to him and was upfront with him that I always kind of talked trash about him and Hue and wasn’t going to lie to his face, just wanted to be real with him…he said, “nah you’re thinking of Marvin Lewis, that ain’t me, we cool.” I had a drink with the Rastafarian and begin to chillax as the league members began to arrive. This just took a really weird turn…then I woke up!  (actually dream I had on the Saturday prior to the WSOP Winter League)   
It was 6 o’clock in the PM on the 28th of January in the year of two thousand nineteen, the winds were a howling and the countryside glistened with a snow dusting from the weekend past.  The temperature was warm enough to melt of the prior weeks snow and this caused the grounds near “The Basement” to be damp and soggy.  Just moments ago Tim “The Load Deliverer” had ordered his poker grunt Ryan to send out a special bulletin to all league participants via a new age carrier pigeon some call a cell phone; this message should warn participants to rest their automobiles on his paved drive.

Said message read, “Please try to park your cars in Tim’s asphalt driveway up top.  May be a little crazy getting out but he’s afraid it’s too soggy down below. Thanks!”            
The first reply was quite long winding and came from a player hailing from the family of Rome, “k”
Next a Baker who often reviews recipes of law ended all comments on the matter by stating, “That’s what she said”      
The league was slated to start with 14 members, however one of its original founders and a mainstay of the league, Pat Brown will not be playing in the league this year due to many travel plans in the near future.  Pat may make an appearance to help with the WSOP Championship!?  There were several members shocked and disappointed that Pat was not going to be playing this year…one said mostly because he was “deadwood, it would have been nice to have his money to fluff up the WSOP pot.” ;P  
As always we had a few last minute movers and shakers, first there was some rumbling from “The Quiet Storm” that he was going to have to pass on the league this year because he wasn’t feeling up to par.  This text came as I had just ordered 4 pizzas from several pizza joints.  I tried to pursued Brad with food telling him he made 14 confirmed and that I had already ordered enough food that he would have plenty to eat.  This didn’t work…he referred me to call Greg Yeager to see if he would be interested in the league.  I called Greg and he and I didn’t communicate well for the first portion of our call as he thought that the league cost was $800 ($200 each week) for a possible $1500 prize package to play in an event with a buy-in as little at $500…he’s like, “This doesn’t make sense I could just buy-in to the event?”   We then got onto the same Page and he said he appreciated the call but he didn’t think it was fair for him to take all our money or maybe he just said he wasn’t interested this year?  I’m sure we’ll see Greg making a run at the Main Event this year!  Now as I arrived at Tim’s place with pizza in hand to set up around 6:20 the league had fallen down to 13 members.  I messaged Brad a few more times, not pressuring him just letting him know that he’s welcome to show up late if he feels better…I left it at that.
Early Birds – I was happy to get to The Basement early so that I would secure a prime spot on the drive.  When I pulled in I was not the first to arrive, Gary and Cheri had come early as well but hid out in the lot for a few moments before joining me on the inside.  I backed in next to them and gave them a stare down…then I tried to straighten out my parking but decided it was best for me to park against the garage so I moved out from next to them and gave them another stare down.   With the spitting rain it was a little tough to see into their steamed up vehicle? 
Tim and I began to discuss the league and the rules and he then announced Jason and Joann are probably going to play!  Awesome a couple of first time league members!  The both ended up joining and we’re delighted to have them along with Cheri as first time WSOP league members. The league is now back to 15.  BIG BLUE then messaged me saying he wasn’t sure if he could commit now with work and was going to be a no show…back down to our original 14.  Then as smooth as the Ice on Tim’s driveway by night’s end, Brad West #TheQuietStorm slid in the back door just prior to 7pm and the league was now set at 15 for this 12th year of WSOP leagues or qualifier tournaments (Sit-n-Go’s).  
Rules Review
We didn’t have many rules to review or questions to go over for this years WSOP league as the majority of the league had played with similar rules in the past.  We did have a couple of key points of conversations and the final vote results were both a little surprising to me. 
First we debated the re-buy penalty for 10-15 minutes before finally decided to vote completely against re-buys in this years league, this made Sweet Thing ecstatic!  I never thought that would get passed, however with no re-buy it made the arguments we were having moot points as this eliminated the problem.  
Second the point was brought up to me by Mr. Bayless that most casinos and tournaments were going to the Big Blind Ante structure and that we should consider this to help us prepare for that should we win a seat in this years WSOP or another large buy-in poker tournament.  I had actually thought of this to myself as I prepared the rules this year but opted to omit it at that point.  Because Phil brought this up I opened it up for discussion and the league passed Big-Blind Antes (Ante based on players at table) for this years league as a majority of 10-11 players were for the BBA.  Apparently Phil was a big no for this structure and had prepared an argument against it on his drive over…unfortunately he walked in as the discussion was ending and before he could make his pitch against it play was under way.  
With 15 players and Tim/Terry getting a discount and no rebuy monies to add this years WSOP pot will be $2,800 which will give the regular season and championship tournament winner each a $1,400 package.
I wanted to make sure that we had some food for the first night of the league so I bought 4 pizzas and some bread bites.  Thanks to those of you who chipped in to get me some of my money back for the food.  Rhonda had said she was bringing some dessert, however as she rolled in she had a meat tray and some other goodies and said that she didn’t have time to cook but stopped by the store.   Thanks so much Rhonda with providing some munchies for the night!  Next week if anyone is interested in picking up some pizzas or other food let me know I will chip in with a few bucks to help…if I no one volunteers I’ll bring pizza if people want it just let me know.
A LONG HILL TO CLIMB, The battling Tims
Tim Hill dodged a few bullets trying to avoid being this years first elimination as he kept getting dumped on by the Load Deliverer to his immediate right.  Every time it seemed Tim Hill would get his stack back on track he would get involved in another neighbourly dispute with Tim Williams.  Then this hand happened and “Deadwood” Page showed back up, blinds 75/150 Tim Williams raises the action to 350, Hill shoves his short stack of nearly 1500 in the middle, Page looks down at a pair of 10s in the hole and mucks.  My thought behind this is that at best it’s a flip with Hill but the way the Tim’s have been battling Tim may have me crushed with a bigger pair.  The action folds around to Williams and he folds.  Hill shows AK and takes down the pot.  Brad West says 7’s Page?  I gave 2 thumbs up and motioned that it was bigger then took it on the chin the rest of the evening for laying 10s down in that spot for 30% of my stack.  Tim’s time was short lived as he finally found a great spot to get it in against The load Deliverer as Big Blind Antes began with a 100/200 175ante at our table.  Tim Hill shipped in a similar amount to his previous all in and showed KK vs Tim’s A7….then the deliverer got dirty 😉 FLOP – 7 9 10, TURN – 6 so there is a gutshot for a cop…THE RIVER 7, Tim slaps Tim with trips, earning Hill a trip home courtesy of The Load Deliverer.   
This year we have 4 ladies in the league which I think is our highest percentage of women in league history at roughly 27%.  Unfortunately Week 1 wasn’t ladies night.  Sweet Thing was the next player eliminated after Tim Hill in 14th, the remaining ladies Cheri, Carolyn and Joann would then fall in order in 11th, 10th and 9th places.  Although we were supposed to final table at 10 Cheri and Carolyn got KO’d simultaneously resulting in Joann being the last lady standing and only one to make the week one final table.  I’m sure these ladies will come back with a vengeance in Week 2!  I didn’t get to witness the elimination of Rhonda or Carolyn as they were at the other table however the following hands are the ones that doomed Cheri and Joann.  Cheri got all her money in after a raise from myself with blinds 150/300 and a 250 ante I raised to 1050 and then was re-raised in by Cheri for 200 more for a total of 1250; the hand played itself as Cheri showed 44 and I showed AQ, the flop was KK10, Bayless stated, “Not a good flop for two fours” the turn brought my lady as a Q paired up my hand and the river looked like it could be a 4….but it was a 5 and Cheri was eliminated just short of the final table.  Carolyn’s elimination followed as we were preparing to re-draw for the final table.  Joann put all her money in the middle with 10 10 and was eliminated by AK as a King fell on the flop dashing her hopes at a week 1 deep run.
Knock him out of course!  Terry switched tables to take Tim Hill’s freshly vacant seat, on his first hand shipped all in for about 3k with blinds at 100/200 ante175 and I folded AQ once again being a knit, I believe he had Queens but can’t confirm.  Shortly thereafter Terry limped in a pot and I raised behind him with 10 10, action folded to Terry and he called about a third of his stack bringing the pot up to nearly 3k.  Flop came J 9 2 and Terry lead off the action by the rest of his stack into me, I called and Terry tabled Q 10 for an open-end straight draw and an over card to my pair.  The board ran out J 9 for 2 pair on board but my 10s were just enough to clog up his run at a first week final table eliminating Terry in 13th.
Coop had some big hands early including a monster in the second level of play with blinds 50/100 and no ante Bayless shoots it up in early position to 350 and Cooper, who’s to Phil’s immediate left shoots it up to 850, action folds around to Phil who calls.  The flop comes with no paint and no ace and Phil checks and folds to Coopers large bet but shows that he’s folding Queens, Cooper showed Aces and Phil said, “I know!”.
Shortly after the break the action started when Cooper raised from early position, The Quiet Storm made some noise and 3-bet behind Cooper.  Coop called and the flop brought A8x, the money all found it’s way into the middle and when the cards were on their backs Cooper showed a big Ace – AJ for top pair, Brad had A8 for 2 pair, the cards were Cooper Poopers and ran out blank blank not improving Cooper’s holdings and he was out in 12th place.
After Joann had been eliminated in 9th place the final table action continued to be pretty fast for the next several eliminations.  Bayless was in the big blind and got it all in the middle in a good way with AK vs Tim “The Load Deliverer” who held A10 in the small blind.  The flop came QJx and the turn was the payoff for the load as the K paired up Phil but gave Tim the straight.  The river was a blank and Bayless was KO’d in 8th place…or was he? Tim didn’t realize he made the straight and began shipping the load to Phil until the table announced to Tim that he had turned the nuts and the pot was his.
It took a cooler to knock out the very punctual Gary Rome in 7th place.  Gary was dealt KK and after raising and then being faced with an all in raise behind him called with the Kings only to see that Jason had two Aces and his chip stack covered.  The board ran out clean and Gary was eliminated in an almost impossible spot, KK vs AA, this is how I was knocked out of the WSOP $1500 Bounty tournament several years ago, not a good feeling after hours of strong play.  With Ice in his veins I’m sure Gary “Iceman” Rome will return with some deep runs in future tourneys.
You would think that with as long as I have had to study some poker strategy and optimal game theory, watch some game film on top tiered players, and refocus to establish some positive vibes that I would have to be better then I (Ryan Page) have the past few WSOP Leagues.  Nope, took some needles early for tight play, played some hands maybe I shouldn’t have on top of that and then played some hands very badly.  Finally get a big pair AA and raised to 3x the blinds with the Quiet Storm in the BB.  Flop comes K 7 8, Brad checks it over and with 4k in the pot already I made a huge error in only betting half pot…Brad calls turn comes 9, Brad then ships into me, I then make my 2nd HUGE mistake of this hand in calling it off when I feel like AA is no good, it’s only 1 pair.  Brad turns over J10 for a turned nut straight, the 9 hit him in the GUTZ.  I then payoff an additional $5k plus to Brad and am left crippled with only 2k and some change.  Moments later in the big blind I check with Q 7, Russ had limped on the button and I believe the other blind was in the pot.  The flop cam K 7 4, small blind checks, I connected and with 1/3rd of my chips in the pot I ship and Russ comes over the top as Jason quickly folds.  Russ shows KK for top set, I’m drawing dead to running 7s…that didn’t happen.  Page goes down in 6th place.
With 5 players left action slowed down a bit and stacks evened out some, blinds and antes were reasonable at this stage and it took a couple strong hands and a little bit of a twiddled down stack to finally get a player to stick all their chips in the middles.  The Load Deliverer who had KO’d several people got all in with 10 10 vs A K  and was taken down as big slick paired up to knock Tim out in 5th and  finally bring us down to our final four.  Jason, Brad, Russ and Tony made up the top four in week 1, all but one of those players would get a little cash back with nightly tournament winnings and would pick up some bonus chips for the Championship.   Jason would be the odd man out as he would run into The Professor slow playing a turned boat with a board showing K 4 2 K 10 all the chips would find their way in the middle and Russ would turn over K 2, Jason said that was good and ended his nice inaugural run in a WSOP league tournament.
This year the top 3 players of each regular season tournament pick up some bonus chips for the Championship tournament; 1st place = 1000, 2nd place = 500, 3rd place = 100 which will add a max of 6400 chips to play in our championship tournament.  In addition as long as there are 13 players on a given night the $10 nightly money will be split 50/30/20.  This week we had $150 in the nightly pot which would be paid out to the remaining players with 1st getting $75, 2nd $45  and 3rd $30.  It wasn’t long before the $30 and 100 chip bonus where added to The Professor’s bankroll as he would find himself on the short end of a flip with 44 vs AK.  Russ was eliminated in 3rd place.
Brad West entered heads up with a monster chip lead as he just finished off Russ.  Tony says to Brad, “I’ll give you all the money that left $120 for 1st place?”  Brad says get the heck out of here…lol good thing because unfortunately we have to play these regular season tourneys all the way out even If the players don’t want to for some reason.  Both players agreed to do away with the Antes and Tim Williams and Myself dealt the cards.  Tony would get an early double up as his AJ improved with a jack on the flop to beat Brads AQ.  Tony would fight back from super short stacks several times but finally found himself having to get it all in after connecting with a 10 9 4 flop, Tony showed bottom pair with a 5 kicker and Brad showed the same bottom pair 4s with a K kicker…the turn was a 10 and the river didn’t wasn’t the ace, 10 or 4 to chop or the 5 to pair Tony’s remaining hole card and TBAG$ got sat down in 2nd place picking up $45 in cash money and a 500 bonus chip for the Championship.  CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. Brad West who almost cancelled on us with a toofth ache but showed up and showed out to win $75 and 1000 bonus chip for the Championship as well as a league up on the competition for the regular season title and WSOP package.
Week 2 of the WSOP Winter League will be at the same location as Week 1 and we hope to have cards in the air at or very shortly after 7pm next tournament as rules have been set in store for this years version of our WSOP league.  Please be courteous of Tim’s grass should it be soggy again!
See you soon!  Ryan
Name Week 1 
Brad West 35
Tony Baker 31
Russ Kincaid 27
Jason Evans 24
Tim Williams 21
Ryan Page 18
Gary Rome 16
Phil Bayless 14
Joann Evans 12
Carolyn Willams 10
Cheri N. Hayes 9
Doug Cooper 8
Terry Stephens 7
Rhonda Rutherford 6
Tim Hill 5


About brownpm86

Hello, my name is Pat. I'm an IT Professional with an entrepreneurial spirit. I grew up in a rural setting, but love the big city too. I have several hobbies including: playing poker, traveling, eating, blogging, telling a good joke, and having fun with other human beings!
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